Tuesday, September 8, 2009

NEW! Snuggleberries

Meet Charlie Stumbleweed, Binkys brother. Moonbeam Gloweave (Super cool rock star and lead singer of "The Licorice Allsorts" in Snippetsville) and Lavender Hibiscusleaf ..

Check out their cute and unique stories instore: http://berryliciousbuttons.etsy.com/


Peggy said...

I love the SNUGGLEBERRIES Lavender Hibiscusleaf,too cute
I even posted to FB

Berrylicious Buttons said...

8-) thank you so much! I appreciate that, and yes Lavender is a cutie pie 8-)

Narelle Badalassi said...

I just adore Charlie
what a cutie little wally he is!!